Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Garbage Pail Kids

Okay, so it was time to cook dinner and the boys were hassling me like usual, so I sent them to go play.  They asked if they could play outside so of course I said sure, anything to keep them busy and away from the kitchen.  While preparing the food I had to dispose of some aluminum cans which made me remember that Karl had left the recycle bin and another trash can in the wrong place and I needed to remind him to bring them up to their normal spot.  As these thoughts were crossing my mind I became aware of a banging that sounded like those exact trash cans.  Maybe the boys were moving them for me?  Of course not!  They were in them.  Rolling in them to be exact.  Horrible, Dirty, Stinky, Germy, Nasty, Smelly, Disgusting trash cans!  I hollered down to them to remove themselves from the cans and asked,"don't they stink?"  To which all three started giggling and unanimously replied, "YES!"  I had them come inside immediately to get into the bathtub and sure enough, as they entered the bathroom to get undressed that unmistakable, nauseatingly disgusting smell of a dump trunk came in with them.  I had them soak in a bubble bath, wash themselves, then turned on the shower and had them wash themselves again, and again, and again.  As we speak I am washing their clothes separately from all the other regular dirty laundry, so as not to cross contaminate.  And that is all I have to say about that.


joelandbecca said...

Haha! That is pretty gross! you know, boys will be boys!

Jon and Cheryl said...

Wow, thanks for letting me know what I have to look forward to!

Holly & Matt said...


Kelly said...

Boys WILL be boys, huh?