Friday, August 15, 2008

Mama Mia!

 Tonight my mom, Yessica, Candela (my mom's exchange student), Violet, and I all went to see Mama Mia!  It was totally cute, I love Abba, and musicals, Meryl Streep, and Greece, so basically it was perfect.  What was worth writing about though was cute little Violet.  Over the summer we've gone to the free movies that play on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I already knew that she could handle the darkness and the loud just fine, plus it was already late so I figured she'd just fall asleep anyway.  I was wrong.  She wanted to watch it, and she did for about forty-five minutes.  Not only did she watch it though, she squealed and laughed, and cooed... it was so cute, she was so excited!

There was one scene where Meryl Streep is helping her daughter get ready for the wedding and she starts singing Slipping through my fingers, which is all about a mother watching her daughter growing up and here I was holding my own sweet daughter.  But, surprisingly the thought of her wasn't what was making me tear up, I started to think about my sweet little boys, and how they're about to start school and how fast time has gone and will keep going...  I love them all so much!  I
'm a little obsessed with Violet right now, but I really, truly love my little boys so much and I'm so excited for them to be going to school but I still worry so much.  I hope they fit in and I
pe they're as good there as they are at home.  I can't believe they've grown so tall and handsome, and they're so smart.  I am so blessed.  

1 comment:

joelandbecca said...

so sweet...and yes, your boys are so darling. Time flies!