Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Tooth!

Okay, so I totally called it!  Thursday I thought she was showing real symptoms of teething, then on Friday, we were at the park and she had no teeth.  She fell asleep on me for about an hour and when she woke up there it was, on her bottom left side!  She didn't even seem bothered by it, just the little bit of crankiness the day before and that was it, piece of cake!  I tried to take a picture, but she wouldn't let me.


Cristi said...

Hi Ivy- I do remember you. I think we only met once or twice, but my sis and dad have talked about you a lot. Anyway, it's great to see your family and that you've survived twins (plus two) for five years! That's an accomplishment.

Yeah, I am loving the baby/toddler age with the twins, but it is also great when they get a bit more independent. I'm sure I'll miss it when it passes by.

Your family is also beautiful! Congrats on a baby girl!

Jon and Cheryl said...

I'm so glad that we've found each other in the blog world! I can't believe how big your boys are...and congratulations on your adorable baby girl!! You have a beautiful family!
Love, Cheryl