Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Recycled T Shirt Bags

I keep hearing about grocery stores wanting to charge money for plastic bags, so I'm now offering recycled T Shirt Grocery Bags at my shop.  I sell them pretty cheap compared to others, I can even make them for you out of your own T Shirts if you want for a couple bucks a piece.  They're really strong and durable and hold a lot more than plastic grocery bags and of course are earth friendly!

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Items

I've added a few more items at my store

Little Dancer Silhouette 

This is a jellyfish bow holder

I made this Pillowette for my grandma's birthday

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Clinger Family Blog Has Moved!

The clinger family blog has moved to www.clingerfam.blogspot.com.  This blog will now be dedicated to my new online business, Ivy and Violets, where I will be selling a variety of handmade items, including but not limited to my Pillowettes, custom embroidery, wall hangings, and other girly type things.

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Esy Store is Now Open!

My etsy store is now open.  To visit it, go to: www.ivyandviolets.etsy.com

I have my silhouette pillows, which I'm now calling Pillowettes, on there along with a baby blessing gown.  I have plans to add more things, but for now that's all I've got!  Stop by and take a looksee!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sea Port Village

For our after-church-outing today, we went to Sea Port Village.  I like to pack a lunch and if I have time- clothes and we head out right after church.   Again, like Balboa Park last week, it was really busy, but we got a rockin parking space right were we wanted to lunch.  The habit has been to scarf down our food, because who isn't hungry right after church, and then we lay back on the blankets and rest, while the boys run rampantly around.  Then, wherever we are we take a little walk around and look at stuff, and just as the boys start to get a little cranky we leave, so it turns out beautifully.  Another wonderful Sunday together as a family.  Sea Port Village was nice and warm, but breezy as usual, and the shade cool enough for it to be nothing but enjoyable.  We got some great pics as usual, and some with me as well, which almost never happens!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mama Mia!

 Tonight my mom, Yessica, Candela (my mom's exchange student), Violet, and I all went to see Mama Mia!  It was totally cute, I love Abba, and musicals, Meryl Streep, and Greece, so basically it was perfect.  What was worth writing about though was cute little Violet.  Over the summer we've gone to the free movies that play on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I already knew that she could handle the darkness and the loud just fine, plus it was already late so I figured she'd just fall asleep anyway.  I was wrong.  She wanted to watch it, and she did for about forty-five minutes.  Not only did she watch it though, she squealed and laughed, and cooed... it was so cute, she was so excited!

There was one scene where Meryl Streep is helping her daughter get ready for the wedding and she starts singing Slipping through my fingers, which is all about a mother watching her daughter growing up and here I was holding my own sweet daughter.  But, surprisingly the thought of her wasn't what was making me tear up, I started to think about my sweet little boys, and how they're about to start school and how fast time has gone and will keep going...  I love them all so much!  I
'm a little obsessed with Violet right now, but I really, truly love my little boys so much and I'm so excited for them to be going to school but I still worry so much.  I hope they fit in and I
pe they're as good there as they are at home.  I can't believe they've grown so tall and handsome, and they're so smart.  I am so blessed.  

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Silhouette Pillow

I made this Silhouette Pillow today and I'm thinking about selling them on Etsy.  I would do custom one's of course, all you'd have to do is send me a picture of the profile you want and I can make it up however you'd want it.   The back of the pillow is the same pink fabric as the background of the silhouette, I did a scroll stitch all the away around the oval and hand embroidered her name at the bottom.  I could always do other embellishments, flowers, roses, lace or whatever. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Garbage Pail Kids

Okay, so it was time to cook dinner and the boys were hassling me like usual, so I sent them to go play.  They asked if they could play outside so of course I said sure, anything to keep them busy and away from the kitchen.  While preparing the food I had to dispose of some aluminum cans which made me remember that Karl had left the recycle bin and another trash can in the wrong place and I needed to remind him to bring them up to their normal spot.  As these thoughts were crossing my mind I became aware of a banging that sounded like those exact trash cans.  Maybe the boys were moving them for me?  Of course not!  They were in them.  Rolling in them to be exact.  Horrible, Dirty, Stinky, Germy, Nasty, Smelly, Disgusting trash cans!  I hollered down to them to remove themselves from the cans and asked,"don't they stink?"  To which all three started giggling and unanimously replied, "YES!"  I had them come inside immediately to get into the bathtub and sure enough, as they entered the bathroom to get undressed that unmistakable, nauseatingly disgusting smell of a dump trunk came in with them.  I had them soak in a bubble bath, wash themselves, then turned on the shower and had them wash themselves again, and again, and again.  As we speak I am washing their clothes separately from all the other regular dirty laundry, so as not to cross contaminate.  And that is all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

School Registration

So the boys are officially registered for school!  They're going to be going to all day kindergarten starting at the end of the month!  I'm so excited!  They're really excited to, I hope they do well!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh Ya...

...and I got my hair cut differently yesterday!

Balboa Park

My Gerber Baby

Nice Face Sam!

So today we decided that we'd go to the Organ Pavilion at Balboa Park aft
er church, so I packed a picnic before we left and we headed there as soon 
as we got out.  It was a beautiful day!  It was only about 81 degrees an
d perfectly cool in the shade.  We picnicked under a tree in the grass across th
e street from the organ, so it was totally casual, and much cooler.  It's really sunny on the benches in front of the organ, they should think about building something to help shade them.  It was really crowded, probably because i
t's summer and a Sunday, but still it was perfectly pleasant.
  The boys were all really good, and of course Violet was too, although I think
 she might be getting tooth number two very 
soon.  Afterwards, we walked around by the international houses, we went into the house of Ireland for Karl, and the house of Ukraine for me.  Then, when we were leaving we went over the Coronado Bridge for the boys sake, and drove arou
nd Coronado a bit, past the Hotel Del and then back over the Bridge.  Then we stopped by Karl's parents house because we borrowed their little VW Jetta last night to drive to Horton Plaza with just Violet and we forgot to return the keys.  Mike Hawkins', one of Karl's best friends, daughter got baptized last night and then we all went out to dinner at his restaurant The Panda Inn.  It was kind of neat because Kate is the oldest of the four best friends (Karl, Mike, Todd, and Byron) and she got baptized on the day Byron and Kyrsta had their fourth (and I think final) baby, another little boy!  We all have four kids n
ow!  So then we visited with Dorothy and Larry for awhile which was nice and 
now we're all finally home, the boys are in bed and Violet and Karl are asleep.  A perfect end to a perfect day!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Tooth!

Okay, so I totally called it!  Thursday I thought she was showing real symptoms of teething, then on Friday, we were at the park and she had no teeth.  She fell asleep on me for about an hour and when she woke up there it was, on her bottom left side!  She didn't even seem bothered by it, just the little bit of crankiness the day before and that was it, piece of cake!  I tried to take a picture, but she wouldn't let me.

Friday, August 1, 2008

God's Finger

I didn't have time to upload these yesterday, but this was on Tuesday night on the balcony of the house we stayed in.  Doesn't it look like a big had and finger reaching down?  It was really gorgeous.